
The rise of Donor-advised funds in recent years has been undeniable, but data about these funds, and practical resources for charities looking to maximize their potential, has been sorely lacking. To address this gap, KCI and the CAGP Foundation recently released a research report focused on this rapidly growing giving vehicle, which examined DAFs from the perspective of donors, financial advisors, and, importantly, the thousands of operating charities in Canada that, together, receive over $1 billion in funding from DAFs each year. 

In this session Celeste will present key findings from this report including the basic elements of Donor-advised funds, current regulatory framework and estimated size of this growing pool of funds. We’ll also bring a particular focus on understanding the motivations and interests of donors who use DAFs, and how prospect researchers can help their organizations identify, attract and retain these highly motivated and philanthropic donors.

Intended Audience: Intermediate, Experienced

Key Learnings:

  1. The scope and scale of Donor-advised Funds in Canada
  2. Why donors are drawn to this giving vehicle, and the profile of donors most inclined to use them 
  3. How charities can position themselves to realize more DAF donations


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